I have a little secret....
Ok, I'm just going to say it out loud...
I LIKE daytime TV!
Not that I actually have time to watch it during the day, but I have my DVR ready to record all my favorites. Particulary, which I am some what embarrassed to admit, Days of Our Lives.
I am a Days junkie. Once all the kiddos are all snug in their bed, I sneak off down stairs, like a little kid trying to evade their folks so they can watch forbidden TV shows.
I can't reason why I am so committed to sub par acting and shoddy story lines. My husband is constantly trying to help me kick my daily dose of daytime, but I litteraly feel like I am going to explode with curiousity if I miss an episode.
You know what they say the first step in recovery is admitting that you have a problem.
Stopping by from 5M4M.
I used to be a General Hospital junkie, for years! But, I had to give it up when my oldest gave up naps. Now I'm blog addicted and hardly watch tv :D
Hilarious!! I've been watching Days since I was born. I actually remember Boe and Hope's wedding. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Haahaa
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